Grammar is the study of how a language ‘works’.
Without a good grasp of grammar, one can never become proficient in spoken and written English.

When one learns grammar, one can understand how to construct correct English sentences.

Spoken and written English are all about joining words into sentences to express a clear meaning.
In short, a word plays a different role according to the context of the sentence.
We drink water. (noun)
They water the plants. (verb)
This is a water pipe. (adjective)
In the three examples above, the word “water” plays different roles in three different contexts. Their respective roles are indicated in brackets.

Trainees understand how and why a word plays different roles in sentences when they study English grammar.

Trainees will be able to form original and meaningful English sentences. They will understand basic sentence structures and how sentences are composed.
Trainees will increase their stock of words (vocabulary) when they learn word formation, prefixes and suffixes, synonyms, antonyms and homonyms.

The method adopted in this training is that of The Structural Approach.
We never realize that we are using structural English in our daily lives. When there is structure, we will present our materials in an organized and intelligent way.
Therefore, our knowledge of different sentence patterns allows us to comprehend and apply the various patterns habitually in our spoken and written English. As such, we make fewer or no mistakes when we speak and write in Standard English.
During this training programme, trainees can recognize the role of words in a sentence.
In this way, trainees use the language to convey their thoughts and feelings to others effortlessly and confidently.
This is the true substance of communication.

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