In the Structural Approach, a lot of emphasis is given to the study of Traditional Grammar, the analysis of sentences, syntax, sentence structures, sentence-building and Substitution Tables as these subdivisions are the foundation of learning the English language.

Syntax is the arrangement of words in a sentence. We learn how to speak and write English sentences correctly when we have truly learnt the role of the words in sentences after mastering the Eight Parts of Speech. Without a thorough knowledge of the Eight Parts of Speech, one’s understanding of the English language will be superficial.

In addition, grammar should be an aid to composition. Learning English grammar in its entirety is a purely mechanical exercise. If the learning of grammar does not equip a learner with the necessary knowledge and skill to write sentences clearly and correctly, it is an exercise in futility. When a student learns Traditional Grammar, he will acquire facility and proficiency in writing correct English sentences.

The study of different sentence structures enables a learner to add variety and freshness in his writing. It also improves his spoken English at the same time.

Substitution Tables place an important part that phrase-patterns and sentence-patterns must conform to correct English usage. Thus, the study of grammar, syntax, sentence structures, along with sentence-building, is supported by the use of correct constructions listed in the Substitution Tables.

In order to enhance the spoken English ability of my students, I use Substitution Tables. Since we speak and write in sentence-patterns, it is only appropriate to introduce these patterns into my English language programmes via Substitution Tables. The learner is able to gain an easiness of using English by practising these sentence-patterns in the Substitution Tables. While practising the sentence-patterns in these Substitution Tables, the student subconsciously adopts the sentence-patterns that will help him speak correct English in everyday situations. They may not be transformed into superb speakers overnight but the foundation necessary for the attainment of good spoken English will be laid.

Hence, the study of Traditional Grammar is given a lot of prominence in the Structural Approach as it will improve one’s Transmission Skills – Speaking and Writing tremendously. Kill two birds with one stone.

A non-native speaker acquires a solid proficiency in English after he has learned Traditional Grammar which leads to sentence-building.After the necessary subdivisions to understand and use the English language have been mastered, the non-native speaker is introduced to much higher work which he takes on easily as he has practised using the language thoroughly. Confidence in using the language at the workplace and in a social environment becomes a stepping stone for the non-native speaker to achieve even more when he is an adult.

Although there are many approaches to teach and learn English in the world today, their effectiveness in delivering the vital results in the form of proficiency in all the four skills of a language for a learner is very much disputable.

Learning English Using The Structural Approach, on the other hand, equips a learner in all the four skills of the language – listening, speaking, reading and writing – thoroughly, thereby empowering the learner to achieve the most in his career.

The effectiveness of the Structural Approach has been proven in the past when it was widely used in English-speaking nations and also in the former British colonies. Its effectiveness has been proven by the generation who mastered the English language with little difficulty. As a result, that generation proceeded to make an impact in the respective fields of endeavour. All this was only possible with the help of the tool of expression, the English language. Mastery of the English language through the Structural Approach enabled them to convey to the world their ideas and groundbreaking researches flawlessly. It is not enough for people to be possessed with inquiring minds. The power to express their convictions makes a difference too.

After a student has learned Traditional Grammar, the analysis of sentences, syntax, sentence structures, variety in sentence-building and the use of Substitution Tables which are ONLY found in the Structural Approach, a learner will never be hesitant to use the English language clearly, correctly and confidently in his adult life. The learner can easily convey his ideas and feelings to others on what he does for a living. In this globalised era today, English is very much needed to sell products, services or ideas to consumers in the biggest market – THE WORLD.

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